Previous Models

After the very successful market launch of the AMEL 64 in autumn 2010 confirmed the attractiveness of the design from the pen of French yacht designer Olivier Racoupeau, the development of the AMEL 55 seemed a logical conclusion. The aim was to consistently retain the special features of the AMEL concept, which has proven itself over many years, and this has indeed been excellently achieved.

This largest series ketch in the world impresses at first glance with modern lines, high performance and many interesting details, such as the large dinghy garage in the stern. And still she is one thing above all: a real AMEL!

The AMEL 54 is almost a synonym for the perfect blue water yacht! The particularly seaworthy hull, the efficient and easy to handle ketch rig, as well as the excellently protected center cockpit are coordinated in such a way that the AMEL 54 can be sailed easily and quickly by a small crew.